
The practice is currently open to new patient registrations for patients who live within our practice boundary area.  


If you meet the criteria to register at the practice please complete the registration form below and return to the practice.


GP Registration Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [245.5 KB]



Please notify us of any changes in your name, address or telephone numbers.  This will allow us to keep our records up-to-date



Patient KIS (Key Information Summary)


This is a short information summary which is shared with emergency services such as A&E and Out of Hours GP services. The KIS contains both medical and social information about you -  e.g. your medical conditions, your next of kin or whether you have a power of attorney. The KIS is shared only with your consent** but it does help other medical professionals provide the correct care.

In order to update our records, you may be asked to complete a consent form. We would be grateful if you would read the leaflet about KIS (available at reception) and Power of Attorney and then complete the relevant information and return the form to the surgery.


Your GP would be happy to discuss any concerns with you.


**During the Covid 19 pandemic, this KIS information will be shared automatically  should your GP feel this is clinically appropriate


Scottish Primary Care Information Resource (SPIRE)


NHSScotland has changed the way it uses information from GP patient records.


From May 2017 the way information from GP patient records is used to help plan health and care services in Scotland is changing.

Being able to use this information will mean NHSScotland can improve the quality of care,
better plan services for people with health needsand support research into new treatments.

You have a choice about your patient record being used in this way.


To find out more read the leaflet or go to or call NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88.

How to contact us

Ancrum Medical Centre

12-14 Ancrum Road  



Telephone 01382 669316


Fax 01382 660787


Please note that our telephone prescription line is now closed.  We encourage patients to contact reception to register for our secure online ordering service, or order by email at


Prescription/Practice e mail  -


Surgery opening times

Monday-Friday 8am-6pm


For Appointments,Telephone Advice  or Home Visit Requests -   Telephone 01382 669316


Before 8am and after 6pm on weekdays or at weekends, phone main surgery number which will instruct you to telephone NHS 24 on 111.

Please only use this service for problems that cannot wait until the next working day

NHS 24 (Out of hours) telephone 111


In life threatening emergencies such as collapse,severe chest pains, unconsciousness and severe bleeding, telephone 999 for an ambulance


Extended Hours

Extended hours appointmets are available from 7.30am on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.  A small number of pre-bookable appointments will be available each week.  Please speak with our reception staff to book an appointment at this time.



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