Patient Assessment and Liaison Mental Health Service (PALMS)


Are you worried about your mental health?  Feeling overwhelmed or low and need to talk to someone about seeking relevant support?
Who is this service for?

  • Anyone aged 18-64 years who is experiencing mental health difficulties.
  • Individuals aged 16-17 years who are not enrolled in school education.
  • You are not currently seeing a mental health professional (e.g. psychologist, mental health nurse, or psychiatrist)
  • You might be struggling with low mood, anxiety, self-esteem, distressing life events or other difficulties that you would like help with

Please speak to the GP reception staff if you would like to access this service.  You do not need to see your GP to make an appointment.
If you need to talk to someone prior to your appointment you can contact these services for additional support:
Samaritans  Telephone: 116 123  Opening hours: 24/7
Breathing Space  Telephone: 0800 83 85 87 
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday between 6pm and 2am and Friday 6pm until Monday 6am


Sources of Support Service


Sources of Support is a 'Social Prescribing' service who work with people who are impacted by social and economic issues.  Link Workers are attached to GP practices to help patients with non-medical issues which are causing concern.


Patients can now self refer to this service by completing the self referral form below.


Patient Self Referral Form.doc
Microsoft Word document [88.5 KB]

First Contact Physiotherapy


If you have muscle, back or joint problems the practice can now give you an appointment to see a Physiotherapist first instead of your GP.   The Physiotherapist will assess your problem, give advice and refer on for further treatment if required. 


First Contact Physiotherapy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [767.6 KB]

Community Care and Treatment Centres


Your GP may ask you to attend one of the Community Care and Treatment Centres to have certain procedures carried out, such as having blood taken, ear care or wound care.   There are several centres set up throughout Dundee and patients can attend any of the treatment centres.   If you are asked to attend one of the centres for a procedure then please telephone 496717 to make your own appointment.


Interpretation Services

The practice has access to spoken language and deafblind interpretation and translation services.  If you would like to access this service please let the receptionist know when you make your appointment.  If unable to make an appointment by telephone then please email the practice at to request an appointment.



Please note that the practice no longer runs a Travel Clinic.  Further information on travel vaccinations can be found at   NHS Tayside Vaccination Service can also be contacted at or telephone 01382 423108.



The practice promotes Healthy Living and backs this up with a range of clinics and services: 


             Antenatal clinic

              By appointment with midwife



     Asthma Clinic

           Daily by appointment with practice nurse



     Child Screening & Child Immunisation

           Friday afternoon by appointment



    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

                By appointment with COPD nurse

             Also with practice nurse at various times



      Contraceptive Services

         Daily by appointment with doctor.



    Coronary Heart Disease

         Daily by appointment with nurse.



    Diabetic Clinic

        Daily by appointment with nurse



               Post-natal clinic

      Daily by appointment with doctor and nurse


              Smoking Cessation Clinic

     Community clinic, by appointment –telephone number available from reception





How to contact us

Ancrum Medical Centre

12-14 Ancrum Road  



Telephone 01382 669316


Fax 01382 660787


Please note that our telephone prescription line is now closed.  We encourage patients to contact reception to register for our secure online ordering service, or order by email at


Prescription/Practice e mail  -


Surgery opening times

Monday-Friday 8am-6pm


For Appointments,Telephone Advice  or Home Visit Requests -   Telephone 01382 669316


Before 8am and after 6pm on weekdays or at weekends, phone main surgery number which will instruct you to telephone NHS 24 on 111.

Please only use this service for problems that cannot wait until the next working day

NHS 24 (Out of hours) telephone 111


In life threatening emergencies such as collapse,severe chest pains, unconsciousness and severe bleeding, telephone 999 for an ambulance


Extended Hours

Extended hours appointmets are available from 7.30am on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.  A small number of pre-bookable appointments will be available each week.  Please speak with our reception staff to book an appointment at this time.



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